Our school governors


Bellingham Partnership of Schools is a federation of Bellingham Middle and Primary School. There is one Governing Body for the federation. Our Governing Body consists of a group of enthusiastic and committed people who work in partnership with school staff to shape the future of the schools; to decide the key issues that will help staff raise standards and to determine how best the schools will spend its money to achieve these aims.

Full Governing Meetings take place each term, with half termly Curriculum and Finance Meetings.

We are fortunate that we have a wide cross section of skills and experience among our governors, with representation from parents, staff, community members and the local authority.

Chair of Governors: Mr Anthony Kirkbride

To contact the Chair of Governors, please send your correspondence addressed to the Chair of Governors, c/o Bellingham Partnership of Schools, Redesmouth Road, Bellingham, Hexham. NE48 2EL

Alternatively, please e-mail: governors@bellinghampartnership.uk



Chair of Governors: Mr Anthony Kirkbride


Vice Chair : Sue Dowson



 Wendy Goddard: Head teacher at Bellingham Primary School.

 I am Reverend Claire and joined our governing body in September 2022.

I have been ordained in the Church of England for 12 years, and arrived in Northumberland in Spring 2022.
I am passionate about education and opportunity at all stages of life for everyone, and particularly enjoy storytelling.

Before being ordained, I worked as an engineer for EON for twenty years, and have an eye for strategy, processes, and making good connections - whether by wiring or building good relationships!

I am keen to see Bellingham Schools thriving at the heart of the community they serve, and look forward to offering pastoral and practical support wherever I can.